Bando per assegno di ricerca
Titolo del progetto di ricerca in italiano | Mathematics in Science, Social Sciences and Engineering |
Titolo del progetto di ricerca in inglese | Mathematics in Science, Social Sciences and Engineering |
Settore Concorsuale | 01 - Scienze matematiche e informatiche |
S.S.D | - |
Descrizione sintetica in italiano | Candidates are expected to perform research along one of the following themes: Analysis: Functional analysis and abstract equations, Applied PDEs and Probability, Evolutions equations, Qualitative theory of PDEs and calculus of variations Numerical Analysis: Numerical Linear Algebra, Inverse Problems and Image Processing, Geometric Modelling and Computer Graphics, Matrix and Tensor Analysis and application to PDEs and Statistics. Algebra/Geometry:Secant varieties of projective varieties and tensor rank,Combinatorics of permutations. Algebraic and geometric aspects.Numerical invariants of ideals in local rings; applications in singularity theory, Superalgebras and representation theory,Geometric and topological invariants for shape analysis, comparison and retrieval. Mathematical Physics: Dynamics of extended systems,Dynamical systems and deterministic transport,Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Mechanics,Statistical mechanics and applications Other topics may also be considered. |
Descrizione sintetica in inglese | Candidates are expected to perform research along one of the following themes: Analysis: Functional analysis and abstract equations, Applied PDEs and Probability, Evolutions equations, Qualitative theory of PDEs and calculus of variations Numerical Analysis: Numerical Linear Algebra, Inverse Problems and Image Processing, Geometric Modelling and Computer Graphics, Matrix and Tensor Analysis and application to PDEs and Statistics. Algebra/Geometry:Secant varieties of projective varieties and tensor rank,Combinatorics of permutations. Algebraic and geometric aspects.Numerical invariants of ideals in local rings; applications in singularity theory, Superalgebras and representation theory,Geometric and topological invariants for shape analysis, comparison and retrieval. Mathematical Physics: Dynamics of extended systems,Dynamical systems and deterministic transport,Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Mechanics,Statistical mechanics and applications Other topics may also be considered. |
Data del bando | 16/02/2012 |
Numero di assegnazioni per anno | 3 |
Paesi in cui può essere condotta la ricerca |
Italy |
Paesi di residenza dei candidati |
All |
Nazionalità dei candidati |
All |
Sito web del bando | |
Destinatari dell'assegno di ricerca (of target group) |
Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) |
Nome dell'Ente finanziatore | ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna |
Tipologia dell'Ente | Public research |
Paese dell'Ente | Italy |
Città | Bologna |
Sito web | | |
L'assegno finanziato/cofinanziato attraverso un EU Research Framework Programme? | No |
Data di scadenza del bando | 23/03/2012 - alle ore 00:00 |
Come candidarsi | Other |