Bando per assegno di ricerca
Titolo del progetto di ricerca in italiano | TRASPATH- new strategies for the treatment and diagnosis of human diseases related to the enzyme transglutaminase (TG) - (Marie Curie ITN) |
Titolo del progetto di ricerca in inglese | TRASPATH- new strategies for the treatment and diagnosis of human diseases related to the enzyme transglutaminase (TG) |
Campo principale della ricerca | Biological sciences |
Sottocampo della ricerca | Biological engineering |
Settore Concorsuale | 05 - Scienze biologiche |
Descrizione sintetica in italiano | To establish the molecular nature of the role of transglutaminases in the pathogenesis of diseases which are known to involve the multifunctional activity of these enzymes with a view to developing novel specific inhibitors and new therapeutic approaches which will have a major impact on their treatment. |
Descrizione sintetica in inglese | TRANSPATH project aims to develop new strategies for the treatment and diagnosis of human diseases related to the enzyme transglutaminase (TG), including metastatic cancer, neurodegeneration and celiac disease. The subject is highly relevant as deregulation of tissue transglutaminase activity is observed in a number of human diseases while the exact mechanisms are largely unknown. The project targets this unmet clinical need. New techniques and recent scientific advances make TRANSPATH extremely timely. The ITN will facilitate exchange of knowledge and technology between 7 leading European research teams in transglutaminases, 3 SME partners and 2 associate SMEs. The main objective is to establish the molecular nature of the role of transglutaminases in the pathogenesis of diseases which are known to involve the multifunctional activity of these enzymes with a view to developing novel specific inhibitors and new therapeutic approaches which will have a major impact on their treatment. |
Data del bando | 20/02/2012 |
Numero di assegnazioni per anno | 1 |
Paesi in cui può essere condotta la ricerca |
Italy |
Paesi di residenza dei candidati |
All |
Nazionalità dei candidati |
All |
Sito web del bando |,11274 |
Destinatari dell'assegno di ricerca (of target group) |
Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) |
Importo annuale | 43.305 |
Valuta | Euro |
Criteri di selezione in italiano (breve descrizione) | I candidati alla selezione non devono aver risieduto o svolto la principale attività (lavoro, studio, ecc.) in Italia per più di 12 mesi nei 3 anni immediatamente precedenti la data di scadenza del bando. |
Criteri di selezione in inglese (breve descrizione) |
It is expected that PhD candidates have been trained in biotechnology, molecular biology, genetics or related fields, edge for technology development, experience with bacterial libraries or high-throughput technologies desirable, familiarity with immunological techniques is a plus. The candidate should be highly motivated and team-oriented and have good communication skills. |
Processo di selezione in italiano (breve descrizione) |
The candidates must meet the mobility requirements of the Marie Curie Action: 1. Researchers may be nationals of any Country. 2. Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the Country of the host institution for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment. |
Nome dell'Ente finanziatore | Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale |
Tipologia dell'Ente | Public research |
Paese dell'Ente | Italy |
Città | Vercelli- Novara- Alessandria |
Sito web | | |
L'assegno finanziato/cofinanziato attraverso un EU Research Framework Programme? | Fp7/People-Marie Curie Actions (except Cofund) |
Data di scadenza del bando | 21/03/2012 - alle ore 00:00 |
Come candidarsi | |