Bando per assegno di ricerca
Titolo del progetto di ricerca in italiano | Diritti umani e tutela giurisdizionale negli accordi commerciali dell’UE |
Titolo del progetto di ricerca in inglese | Human rights and judicial protection in EU trade agreements |
Campo principale della ricerca | Juridical sciences |
Sottocampo della ricerca | European law |
Settore Concorsuale | 12 - Scienze giuridiche |
S.S.D | - |
Descrizione sintetica in italiano | In the light of the legal framework above described, the selected Research Fellow will be asked to pursue the following activities: 1. evaluation of the legal implications of the entry into force of trade agreements on the field of application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights; 2. assessment and deepening of the major criticisms of the EU trade agreements in relation to the level of protection of certain fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter and to their justiciability before European and national tribunals; 3. identification of potential discrepancies in the field of fundamental rights protection between the trade agreements already concluded by the Union and those about to be concluded; 4. elaboration of future scenarios dealing with the existing criticisms. |
Descrizione sintetica in inglese | Over the last years, the European Union has proved to be particularly active in the negotiation and conclusion of remarkable trade agreements with third countries (eg. CETA, EU-Japan FTA) in the framework of the common commercial policy (CCP) in which the Union enjoys the exclusive competence ex Article 3 TFEU. As well-know, the Lisbon Treaty, in Article 21(1) TEU, refers to the respect of the human rights as one of the principles driving the external action of the European Union, evidently comprising also the CCP wherein the human rights dimension is essentially meant as element of conditionality for the conclusion of the agreements and, therefore, treated as a fascinating topic to be explored by the legal doctrine. It is relevant, however, also the study of the legal interactions between fundamental rights/freedoms and trade agreements at internal level, in particular as for the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights . |
Data del bando | 25/05/2018 |
Paesi in cui può essere condotta la ricerca |
Italy |
Paesi di residenza dei candidati |
All |
Nazionalità dei candidati |
All |
Sito web del bando | |
Destinatari dell'assegno di ricerca (of target group) |
Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) |
Criteri di selezione in italiano (breve descrizione) | il bando e la modulistica per partecipare alla procedura di valutazione comparativa sono disponibili all'indirizzo: |
Criteri di selezione in inglese (breve descrizione) | to apply for research grants fill out the form available at the following address: |
Tipologia dell'Ente | Public research |
Paese dell'Ente | Italy |
Città | Bologna |
Sito web | | |
L'assegno finanziato/cofinanziato attraverso un EU Research Framework Programme? | No |
Data di scadenza del bando | 12/06/2018 - alle ore 00:00 |
Come candidarsi | Other |