Bando per assegno di ricerca
Titolo del progetto di ricerca in italiano | Sezione di Bologna Precision Physics for discoveries at present and future colliders |
Titolo del progetto di ricerca in inglese | Bologna Section Precision Physics for discoveries at present and future colliders |
Settore Concorsuale | 02 - Scienze fisiche |
S.S.D | - |
Descrizione sintetica in italiano | POST-DOCTORAL SENIOR LEVEL 3 RESEARCH GRANT IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS The 2022/2023 INFN Research Grant Program offers 16 (sixteen) positions for research activity in Theoretical Physics. Eligible candidates may be: • Non-Italian citizens, or • Italian citizens who, at the submission deadline, hold a position in a foreign institution and have been continuously abroad for at least three years. The Research Grant cannot be awarded to those who have already benefited from “Assegni di Ricerca” in Italy for a total duration of six years. |
Descrizione sintetica in inglese | POST-DOCTORAL SENIOR LEVEL 3 RESEARCH GRANT IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS The 2022/2023 INFN Research Grant Program offers 16 (sixteen) positions for research activity in Theoretical Physics. Eligible candidates may be: • Non-Italian citizens, or • Italian citizens who, at the submission deadline, hold a position in a foreign institution and have been continuously abroad for at least three years. The Research Grant cannot be awarded to those who have already benefited from “Assegni di Ricerca” in Italy for a total duration of six years. |
Data del bando | 15/09/2021 |
Numero di assegnazioni per anno | 1 |
Stanziamento annuale (indicativo) | 31213 |
E' richiesta mobilità internazionale? | yes |
Paesi in cui può essere condotta la ricerca |
Italy |
Paesi di residenza dei candidati |
Nazionalità dei candidati |
Sito web del bando | |
Destinatari dell'assegno di ricerca (of target group) |
Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) |
Il contratto prevede la copertura delle prestazioni sociali? | yes |
Importo annuale | 31213 |
Valuta | Euro |
Comprende lo stipendio dell'assegnista | yes |
Comprende vitto e spese di viaggio | no |
Comprende il costo della ricerca | no |
Altri costi in italiano | In order to promote the mobility of researchers, the winners of the scientific research grants who have obtained the Ph.D. in a Province or Metropolitan City other than that where their research grant is seated, will receive an additional economic incentive of 5.000,00 € gross year for each year the contract is in force, provided that they are not resident or have not had the residence or scholarships or other research grants paid by the INFN or other scientific institutions in the three years prior to the signing of the contract in the Province or Metropolitan City of the destination. This condition is verified at the starting of the activity |
Altri costi in inglese | In order to promote the mobility of researchers, the winners of the scientific research grants who have obtained the Ph.D. in a Province or Metropolitan City other than that where their research grant is seated, will receive an additional economic incentive of 5.000,00 € gross year for each year the contract is in force, provided that they are not resident or have not had the residence or scholarships or other research grants paid by the INFN or other scientific institutions in the three years prior to the signing of the contract in the Province or Metropolitan City of the destination. This condition is verified at the starting of the activity |
Massima durata dell'assegno (mesi) | 24 |
Criteri di selezione in italiano (breve descrizione) |
Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree (or an equivalent qualification), obtained no more than eight years prior to the call deadline, i.e. on or after November 9 th, 2013. This time limit may be extended in case of: - Maternity (18 months for each child born before or after the Ph.D. award, up to a maximum of 4.5 years); - Paternity (effective time of leave taken for each child born before or after the Ph.D. award, up to a maximum of 4.5 years); - National Service (effective time of leave taken after the Ph.D. award); - Long-term illness, i.e. over 90 days, (effective time of leave taken for each incident occurred after the Ph.D. award). The total elapsed time since the award of the Ph.D. should not in any case exceed twelve years and six months. |
Criteri di selezione in inglese (breve descrizione) |
Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree (or an equivalent qualification), obtained no more than eight years prior to the call deadline, i.e. on or after November 9 th, 2013. This time limit may be extended in case of: - Maternity (18 months for each child born before or after the Ph.D. award, up to a maximum of 4.5 years); - Paternity (effective time of leave taken for each child born before or after the Ph.D. award, up to a maximum of 4.5 years); - National Service (effective time of leave taken after the Ph.D. award); - Long-term illness, i.e. over 90 days, (effective time of leave taken for each incident occurred after the Ph.D. award). The total elapsed time since the award of the Ph.D. should not in any case exceed twelve years and six months. |
Processo di selezione in italiano (breve descrizione) |
The selection of the candidates will be based on: 1) the candidate's scientific quality, as shown by his/her CV and his/her track record of results achieved; 2) quality and relevance of the submitted scientific publications to be evaluated taking into account the specific research area and the candidate's career stage; 3) qualification of the candidate as attested in the submitted reference letters; 4) matching of the candidate's scientific experience and qualifications with the research topic of the Grant. For each Research Grant consideration will be given to candidates working in the corresponding specific research topic; however candidates working in other subjects may be also considered. |
Processo di selezione in inglese (breve descrizione) |
The selection of the candidates will be based on: 1) the candidate's scientific quality, as shown by his/her CV and his/her track record of results achieved; 2) quality and relevance of the submitted scientific publications to be evaluated taking into account the specific research area and the candidate's career stage; 3) qualification of the candidate as attested in the submitted reference letters; 4) matching of the candidate's scientific experience and qualifications with the research topic of the Grant. For each Research Grant consideration will be given to candidates working in the corresponding specific research topic; however candidates working in other subjects may be also considered. |
Nome dell'Ente finanziatore | INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Tipologia dell'Ente | Public research |
Paese dell'Ente | Italy |
Città | Frascati |
Sito web | | |
L'assegno finanziato/cofinanziato attraverso un EU Research Framework Programme? | No |
Data di scadenza del bando | 09/11/2021 - alle ore 00:00 |
Come candidarsi | Other |