Bandi per ricercatori a tempo determinato

Univ. Bocconi MILANO

Bando per ricercatore a tempo determinato
Descrizione posizione
Titolo del progetto di ricerca in italiano Assistant Professor of Economics and Political Science
Titolo del progetto di ricerca in inglese Assistant Professor of Economics and Political Science
Descrizione sintetica in italiano The Department of Social and Political Sciences at Bocconi University is inviting applications for a faculty position at Assistant Professor level in Economics and Political Science with an appointment beginning on September 1, 2019. The area of specialization is welfare policy with particular relevance to policy evaluation.
Knowledge of Italian is not required. Applicants should hold or expect a PhD in economics or political science before September 1, 2019. The successful applicant will have to demonstrate strong potential in research.
Applications should be received by November 23, 2018. Applicants must submit (1) a current curriculum vitae, (2) a job market paper (and other published papers), (3) a cover letter, and (4) teaching and research statements via the on-line form using PDF attachments at Additionally, at least three academic letters of reference must also be submitted by the referees via

Descrizione sintetica in inglese The Department of Social and Political Sciences at Bocconi University is inviting applications for a faculty position at Assistant Professor level in Economics and Political Science with an appointment beginning on September 1, 2019. The area of specialization is welfare policy with particular relevance to policy evaluation.
Knowledge of Italian is not required. Applicants should hold or expect a PhD in economics or political science before September 1, 2019. The successful applicant will have to demonstrate strong potential in research.
Applications should be received by November 23, 2018. Applicants must submit (1) a current curriculum vitae, (2) a job market paper (and other published papers), (3) a cover letter, and (4) teaching and research statements via the on-line form using PDF attachments at Additionally, at least three academic letters of reference must also be submitted by the referees via
Descrizione del bando in italiano The Department of Social and Political Sciences at Bocconi University is inviting applications for a faculty position at Assistant Professor level in Economics and Political Science with an appointment beginning on September 1, 2019. The area of specialization is welfare policy with particular relevance to policy evaluation.
Bocconi University is a leading European research and teaching institution in economics, social sciences, management and related disciplines. The Department of Social and Political Sciences has a major role in staffing an undergraduate program in International Politics and Government, and master’s programs in Politics and Public Policy. Welfare politics and policy is also an important area in the Ph.D. Program in Public Policy and Administration, launched in 2014. The successful candidate is expected to teach at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
Bocconi provides an ideal interdisciplinary research environment. The Department of Social and Political Sciences combines faculty from several allied disciplines and fields of study—public administration, political science, sociology, economics, history, public health, demography—who share an interest policy-relevant research. The Department counts 60 tenured or tenure-track faculty members. Bocconi is located in Italy’s most vibrant center, Milan, a historic, cosmopolitan and international city in a metropolitan area of 3 million that is well connected to the rest of Europe and the world.
Knowledge of Italian is not required. Applicants should hold or expect a PhD in economics or political science before September 1, 2019. The successful applicant will have to demonstrate strong potential in research. Terms of employment are competitive.
Applications should be received by November 23, 2018. Applicants must submit (1) a current curriculum vitae, (2) a job market paper (and other published papers), (3) a cover letter, and (4) teaching and research statements via the on-line form using PDF attachments at Candidates may be interviewed at the 2019 ASSA meetings in Atlanta, and may subsequently be invited to give a job talk at Bocconi.
Additionally, at least three academic letters of reference must also be submitted by the referees via

Bocconi University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. Applications are particularly welcome from women and members of groups who are under-represented in academic posts
Descrizione del bando in inglese The Department of Social and Political Sciences at Bocconi University is inviting applications for a faculty position at Assistant Professor level in Economics and Political Science with an appointment beginning on September 1, 2019. The area of specialization is welfare policy with particular relevance to policy evaluation.
Bocconi University is a leading European research and teaching institution in economics, social sciences, management and related disciplines. The Department of Social and Political Sciences has a major role in staffing an undergraduate program in International Politics and Government, and master’s programs in Politics and Public Policy. Welfare politics and policy is also an important area in the Ph.D. Program in Public Policy and Administration, launched in 2014. The successful candidate is expected to teach at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
Bocconi provides an ideal interdisciplinary research environment. The Department of Social and Political Sciences combines faculty from several allied disciplines and fields of study—public administration, political science, sociology, economics, history, public health, demography—who share an interest policy-relevant research. The Department counts 60 tenured or tenure-track faculty members. Bocconi is located in Italy’s most vibrant center, Milan, a historic, cosmopolitan and international city in a metropolitan area of 3 million that is well connected to the rest of Europe and the world.
Knowledge of Italian is not required. Applicants should hold or expect a PhD in economics or political science before September 1, 2019. The successful applicant will have to demonstrate strong potential in research. Terms of employment are competitive.
Applications should be received by November 23, 2018. Applicants must submit (1) a current curriculum vitae, (2) a job market paper (and other published papers), (3) a cover letter, and (4) teaching and research statements via the on-line form using PDF attachments at Candidates may be interviewed at the 2019 ASSA meetings in Atlanta, and may subsequently be invited to give a job talk at Bocconi.
Additionally, at least three academic letters of reference must also be submitted by the referees via

Bocconi University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. Applications are particularly welcome from women and members of groups who are under-represented in academic posts
Numero posti 1
Settore Concorsuale 13/A1 - ECONOMIA POLITICA
Settore Concorsuale 13/A2 - POLITICA ECONOMICA
Settore Concorsuale 13/A3 - SCIENZA DELLE FINANZE
Settore Concorsuale 14/A2 - SCIENZA POLITICA
Destinatari del bando (of target group) Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)
Data del bando 20/07/2018


FP7 / PEOPLE / Marie Curie Actions
Research Framework Programme / Marie Curie Actions No


Dettagli dell'impiego
Tipo di contratto Temporary
Tempo Full-time
Ore settimanali 105 hours/year
Organizzazione/Ente Università Bocconi
Paese (dove si svolgerà l'attività) ITALY
Stato/Provincia Lombardia
Città Milano
Codice postale 20136
Indirizzo Via Sarfatti 25


Contatto presso l'Organizzazione/Ente
Organizzazione/Ente Università Bocconi
Tipo Academic
Facoltà/Dipartimento/Laboratorio di ricerca Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Stato/Provincia Milano
Città Milano
Codice postale 20136
Indirizzo Via Sarfatti 25
Sito web


Dettagli per la candidatura
Data prevedibile per l'assunzione 01/09/2019
Data di scadenza del bando 23/11/2018 - alle ore 00:00
Come candidarsi


Titoli di studio richiesti
Laurea PhD or equivalent
Ambito della laurea Other